Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Baby C

Here are a bunch of fall pics... pumpkins... our little halloween skunk!... running around crazy with teddy... flying with dad... visit from Grandpa S... "peeeek-a-boo!"... and our little cookie monster with his fav snack- oreos. :) For some reason I can never just pick a couple pics... either I take too many! OR C is extremely photogenic... you can decide. :)

Let's not forget the doggies!

People often ask how Christian is with our dogs... two min pins & a yorkie. Well, he LOVES them... and they don't mind him too much. :) He was pretty interested in them when he started "scooching" across the floor- and they's sit pretty still when he'd go near them. THEN, crawling happened and C would dart to the dogs- and they would quickly dart away from him. :) He kinda stayed away for a while, but recently, his interest in the doggies has peaked... and now he loves running after them and is getting bold to try and "pet" them. Sadie (black one) just sits there and lets him pet/touch her... he's actually pretty gentle with her most of the time... monitored closely!! (more for the sake of the dogs!) And every now and then Sophie will stick around while he's trying to touch her... she'll lick his fingers and he'll laugh out loud! So silly. And when Mark gives the dogs treats, C will run around and go crazy laughing!! It's pretty funny. :) I guess we keep taking videos and no pictures... so this first pic below is pretty old, but I love it! I'll try to take some more recent pics of the chaos that comes when we say "treat?!"
And yes, I do still take pics of little Sophie... this was at the lake this past summer- sure was windy on that boat! (before & during!)
I love my little sopher fur ball. :)