Monday, October 6, 2008


I saw this cute "look-a-like" meter (below) on a friend's blog, so I thought I'd try it out! Christian still has all our friends stumped... still not looking more like Mark or me... still just a perfect mix. :) Well, I thought I could solve the mystery with this little tool! It scanned all of our faces... and we waited for the meter to sway... a little more one way and then the other... then it stopped, right in the middle. :)


Mom and Dad said...

When did you have time for all of
this? How cute! I love the pictures and you described them all
so well. What a neat way to chronicle all the special events
and activities you have had. Wish we could have experienced his first birthday, but seeing it this way is the next best thing. It helps us relive his "firsts"! Is he always this happy??? Wish we could reach out and squeeze him a little more, but thanks for keeping us updated this way. I'd love to enjoy the fall weather and leaves about now. Take some time outside for me. A picture would be nice. Congratulations on your new job(s). So much for the well-deserved reprieve from work (outside the home). I know it will be an adjustment with a toddler to consider. We will pray for your transition. Thanks again for all the cool reminders and fun stuff you've been up to. Try to keep Christian from changing too much before Christmas. I hardly recognize him now!
Lots of love, Mom and Dad

Myah said...

I have done that before. That is funny it's right in the middle! :)