Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I have a tooth!

Yes it's true... last Sunday (June 1)... Christian grabbed my finger and pulled it into his mouth. Nothing new there! Everything's been going in his mouth for the last few months! Anyway, this time, there was something different... his bottom left tooth was barely poking through! Big news in the Hammond household. :) Christian's been pretty good so far... we'll keep you posted!
Finally- three months of drool has produced a tooth! :) What a little drool baby...

1 comment:

Paige said...

Congrats on the milestone!! Hope you have a bottle of tylenol and cold toothies to chew on, because it is just the beginning of fun nights!! He is getting so big, i don't read your blog for a month and he has grown, i guess they do that. you have a beautiful family!!